Leverage Your Expertise For Income

As a Flashost Shopping Buddy, you have the unique opportunity to guide and support customers and vendors through their online shopping journey.

  • Help customers make informed decisions
  • Earn a percentage of the sale that came from you
  • Build a network that relies on you for the long-term
Julie Anastasya
Review the new Mac Book Pro! The Best among all
Mark Taylor
Review Microsoft Surface Pro 8 | King of Flagship Tablet!

Build A Lucrative Network

Flashost has a proprietary algorithmic system for determining the visibility and marketability of vendors based on their rapport with their customers. This is combined with a social system that allows fans of various brands to congregate and discuss their passions.

As a shopping buddy, stand out as an influencer of these communities who come to know you and rely upon you for not just one item but entire topics pertaining to their passions over time.

Earn Cash For Your Influence

  • Flashost tracks every recommendation you make.
  • Setup a profile on our social network. Grow your reputation through ratings and tips from satisfied customers.
  • Build a following of thousands (or even millions) of fans who rely on you for informed purchase decisions.
  • Earn a percentage of everything you influence them to buy.

Develop Multiple Avenues of Success

Apply for job opportunities with vendors. Create engaging product and service videos. And provide 1-on-1 support to customers.

The more ways you build rapport with your community, the more ways you’ll earn income.


Become a Shopping Buddy and Make an Impact

Join us live, become a Shopping Buddy, and transform your experiences into a positive impact.

Join as a Shopping Buddy